We enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by Janice and Berry with help from Rebecca. Our study commenced with a review of Belcher's chapter 4, "Deep Truth." We discussed the importance of our worldview, or philosophy, and used this as a jumping off point for our continued study in Colossians 1. In verses 15-23 Paul answers the question Jesus put to his disciples around the campfire in Cesarea Phillipi, "Who do people say that I am." Of course, Simon Peter responded with the affirmation, "You are the Christ(Messiah), son of the living God." This affirmation made perfect sense to Jews, but as the Gospel spread into the Gentile world of Greece and Asia Minor, a new answer was needed that fit their worldview. Some had infiltrated the Colossian fellowship with an answer that Jesus was the Spirit-being sent by the Good God to provide the way of escape from this wicked world and our unwholesome bodies. They came to be known as Gnostics. Paul counters their wrong-headed conclusions with the great cosmic significance of Christ in verses 15-23. Who is Jesus? In verses 15-17, Paul affirms Christ is the perfect image of the invisible God, the one through whom and for whom the world was created. In verse 18-19 Paul declares Jesus is head of the new creation, the ekklesia, the called-out ones. Verse 20-23 lay out the specifics of how these truths about Jesus impact our lives.
Our prayer time was precious and full of the Holy Spirit's leading.
We missed several who were traveling for spring break and welcomed some who were new to our Gathering.
Our next Gathering is April 10 at the Hutchens.
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