Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 22:1-8 (Ram of Abraham)

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  
This is my outcry.
O God, I call by day and you do not answer;
and by night I have no quiet,
and you, Holy One, recline on Israel's praises.
Our ancesters trusted in You;
they trusted and You delivered them.
To You they cried out and escaped.
In You they trusted and were not disappointed.
But I am a worm and not a man,
a reproach to humanity (lit. Adam) and despised by people.
All who see me scorn;
they make a grotesque face
and shake their heads,
mocking, "Trust (lit. roll onto) Yahweh to deliver You!
He will rescue you because you delight in Him!"

(Psalm 22:1-8 -- DKB Interplation)

Lord Jesus:

That awful day, that cruel Friday,
and You, no sleep and beaten,
flayed raw by soldier's cat o' nine tails,
victim of Sandhedrin stitch-up,
and yet not a victim,
but silent Lamb to slaughter led.

From Fortress Antonia
through the streets,
heavy crossbar lashed to your shoulders,
splinters gouge,
thorns dig deep,
the sea of people parts
as you stumble to Golgotha.

With Roman efficiency
soldiers push you down,
strap the crossbar to the pole,
anchor wrists and feet
with iron spikes
and hoist you to the gibbet.

The final cruelty:
a man behind shinies up a ladder,
cuts the cords,
and all Your weight
drops on those nails
as gravity joins the torture.

You knew,
you knew what this meant.
You quote the Psalm;
you are no longer man,
but offering on whom falls
the sins of all.

Your Father negates the curse,  (Psalm 2:6-7)
derides this jeering crowd, (Psalm 2:4)
paid to mock
by priests and lawyers,
making faces,
joking at Your nakedness.

And as you roil,
lift your back,
to gulp a breath,
try to find some purchase,
louder mocking,
"Roll on, Yahweh, roll!"

Father Son did not abandon;
Jesus changed King David's song,
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani,"  (Mark 15:34)
ensnared, not forsaken;
ram of Abraham  (Gen 22:13)
here on Moriah's tree.

Thank you. What else can I say,
but thank you for Your love
that held You there alone,
where I should be,
nailed for all my sin and brokenness.


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