Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 27&28 (Time-stream)

27:14 Wait expectantly for the Lord.  
    Be brave and courageous.
    Yes, wait expectantly for the Lord.

28:1  I cry to You, Yahweh, my Rock.
    Do not be silent to me,
    for if You are silent, I might as well be dead.

28:2  Hear the voice of my supplications.
    I lift my hands toward your holy throne (lit. oracle).

28:6  Blessed be Yahweh because he has heard 
    the voice of my supplications.

28:7  Yahweh, my Strength, my Shield,
    My heart trusted in him and I was helped.
    My heart rejoices. I praise him in song.

28:8   Yahweh is the fortress of his people.
    the saving strength of his Anointed.

28:9   Save your people.
    Bless your inheritance.
    Shepherd them and lift them up forever.

Holy and Awesome God:

When we pray and intercede
for ourselves and those in need
we, in this created time-stream,
speak to You who dwell outside of time,
lift our hands toward Your Throne;
we, carried along as day to day,
the time-stream makes its inexorable way
to where You dwell and wait for us
at the confluence of our ever-rolling tide
and your eternal Now.

Down the time-stream we all float,
some on rafts and some in boats,
all adrift in one single current;
somewhere ahead the waterfall
will capsize and sink us all.
But You, like the eagle, fly above
this river's frenzied fate
and cast Your light through the blue gloom,
translucent spears of infinity.

You know how time will end, indeed
it has already ended as You decreed.
We live in Your past tense (as it were),
this world and all therein,
rush toward your uniting
of all things under Your Christ.      (Eph. 1:10)
This is revealed: we have already died,
our lives hid with Christ in Heaven. (Col.3:3)

So, if our prayers are already answered,
we need not wait for the flow we measure
in months and years to reveal your will.
You are not slow nor need cajoled
by years of fruitless prayer.
Teach us how to pray the prayers
You have already answered,
and, like David, realize mid-song
that You were working all along
to bring glory to Your Christ.

What then are our supplications?
Why should we pray for daily bread,
for Kingdom come when Your outcome is assured,
You having fixed the day and hour
this river flows no more to sea
but flows to Thee at Earth's Renaissance?
Prayers are bubbles in the time-stream,
made of spirit, they ascend
to surface where You reign
and mingle with the praise of saints
in Heavens' rarefied atmosphere.

Answered prayers reveal your presence,
objectify a more dimensioned place
than we could e'er conceive;
bequeath to us a higher aspiration,
stream-bound mimes could ne'er deduce,
a destiny greater than the final plunge,
a Rescue at our final moment,
and buoyant rise in Heaven's skies.


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